Thursday, June 12, 2008

Finally some moments

Heh gang:
Sorry for neglecting my blog..but life at home is crazy. It always seems that it takes at least a week to just get settled in and then you start getting off to see everyone...WOW! That's all I can say. Life has been outstanding..the girls and i have been playing tourist in our town..and I just don't have time to upload picture...BUT of course I have been clicking away..and most importantly..a bird told us that we got Kings Bay..GA...but nothing in I don't want to get excited yet! But the best best best if my brother and sister in law get Mayport...Jacksonville, FL....then we will only be 45 minutes away! OH MY nieces in the same breathing area as me..I couldn't believe I am holding my breath..anyway..we leave my beautiful island in five days....tick tick tick! So much let to do!

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