Thursday, January 17, 2008

BUNCO and Card Class

Heh out there!
So Ryan is on the desktop computer, so you are going to have to wait to see my card samples, unless you stop in at The Pink House. But I am teaching this weekend. I have to dust off the cobwebs! I have surrounded myself with great instructors, that I have actually had some weekends free. I got to be a mom to the girls! Taking them to birthday parties and other fun and exciting things! fun fun! anyway, so this weekend is my monthly card class. For $15 I showcase my skills and you leave with four fun cards! I will post pictures tomorrow. So you gotta come back!!
But tonight was Pink House BUNCO! It is so much fun!!!! I did well! Main thing though, everyone has fun! Which we do! People win/lose, it doesn't matter, it is all about the smiles. My voice is actually a tad bit horse from all the laughing and carrying on. Ry thinks all us women are insane! I love it! Anyway, I will post pictures. But check you is every third thursday night at 7 pm. A snack to share and $5 buys you a ticket to tons of fun! Even if you have never played BUNCO it doesn't matter. It takes no skill and two seconds to learn! Anyway, it's 1130 and I open come see me!
Know that I miss you

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We have a group of 12 girls that get together and play BUNCO every month. It is a lot of fun! Does your group give away cash or do you buy prizes to give away? The hostess is responsible for buying prizes and was just going to see what y'all do to see if I could steal some ideas on the prizes I should get when I host. :)