Wow..that really makes me sound busy??? Well I did add to my holiday home decor. Cause I just loves me some Kiss moose...I had to add some of this and that. First off..the magic timer was added to the light for the house..WHY you ask..because once the man I live with was on the roof, we realized we should have started at the other end because the lights end up on the side of the house and not right at our front door. Luckily we have outlets on that side of the house..but we have to walk out to the side of the house to turn them on and off. Thank goodness for the timer! Thanks Keri and Steve!!!
So I added these. Penguins towels floor mats, and placemats.
A new rug for entry into our house
Okay so my house is basically done. Of course I say that then find something else totally adorable to put into my house...
So yesterday was my birthday and I am so blessed to be surrounded by a bunch of fun peeps..
I had breakfast out. Then lunch out.
Then dessert in Kingsland. And of course...the only picture I have is of dessert!
OH and my flowers. Oh how I love flowers....
Then today I have a beverage committee meeting. Now I have to say something funny about the beverage committee. One I think we are totally going to get along! But secondly that OF COURSE i picked the beverage committee. If I am going to be forced to help..we all know I am not going to set up..or break down. I am not going to run a silent auction or serve of course..there is drinks! was back to the sweetest things..and I met some super fun people. Then I met my girlie is a blogging person too! Hi Hope!
Did I mention that today was a wonderfully warm day? Overcasted..but since we live eight miles from the beach it's a beach bound afternoon!
Hi Ronee! Had a blast today hanging out and doing a little bit of shopping. Methinks we're going to rock the beverage committee deal!
Looking forward to more "meetings" in the future!
p.s. Uh....lemme know when you hit the beach again. We only got to go one time this year, believe it or not.
All your decorations look great Ronee! =)
I love all of your decorations-very festive!
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