Tuesday, May 20, 2008

There are seven days there are seven days there are seven days

Till we are on a plane to Hawaii!!! I know that every preschool mother is out there singing the seven days in a week song. OH we must sing it once a day in my van! So there is just enough time in a day...and for the first time..in a VERY VERY long time..I have forgot to take my picture of the day...i kwno i know..im a slacker..but i thought if i take too many pictures today..I can make up for it! Well the store has been semi quiet..customers here and there..but just enough that I have not had the chance to get out into the garage and clean up my mess! OH if you are even a sorta paper crafter you know you can create and then clean up...that is INSANE. you create..leave it..and then come back and clean up just in time to create again! DUH! Anyway..today i gave Tyra her inspired necklace! Now of course, every parent gives their 12 year old adorable jewelry..but ryan and i really wanted her to have something that ment something...does that even make sense? anyway...tyra is a gifted artist...plus she is already at a point in her life where she has been tested, and she has still be able to stand outside the box and be fine with not being one of the crowd. SO...when donna came, I knew I wanted that necklace for tyra. it's simple..and adorable..but it has the words inspired on it. Now course that could mean anything..and when I put it on her this morning..i told her...it means that i want her to live a life full of inspiration. to be comfortable in her own skin and be able to see beyond what people limit her at! even me!!! I know it's sappy..but the child is 12 and ry and i have such hopes and dreams for her! she already told us that she is not going to be a doctor. way to pop mom's bubble..but oh well!
well i gotta go and get the piglets!!

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