Thursday, May 21, 2009

The good and the bad

Everyday, everyone is faced with a little plus and a little minus. Tyra calls it the days ying and yang. Now you would have to be Chinese to believe in the delicate balance that is your Chi. Today has been that type of day. My beautiful new wireless printer, sat in it's box for a few days. I am SORRY wonderful printer, but to set you up, it needed a higher power, and he works a lot. But tonight, I was a witch, and got him to do it. Well, not the total bit. Just the SSID and some other silliness that he keeps to himself.

SO that is my plus..and right now I am just too lazy to upload pictures right now. But lets just say...wireless printing is a new found happiness that I am having right now. Right as we speak I am sitting on the couch, the printer located in a different room is printing off pictures. OH happiness. I hear it clugging away, pulling HP photo paper from it's tray. Happiness.
Well today we a semi busy day. Doctors for more test...setting up wireless printers...and then picking up the girlie girls from school. Jetting off to Orange Park for a quick meeting..and then dinner at the Olive Garden to have dinner with two smokin' hot mormons and wishing one a very Happy Birthday. It is tomorrow, but I am not driving back down there. I plan on doing laundry. It's all clean, but just needs to be put away. It is my life story.

Ry's parents arrive this weekend. Note my excitement. I am more excited about a possible chance of playing softball this weekend! YEA! Hopefully the rain stops and the heat dries the fields. Here's hoping!

My minus' is that my family is going through a transition. A really shitty transition if you ask me. But in the stand of testimony is strong! I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and that even though I may not like his plan, my rewards are going to be great in the end.

So Heavenly Father, here I am leaning, being a child in need. Your guidence, your peace, help me!
okay..enough of that..huh!!!

1 comment:

KTluv said...

Hey girl! I hope all is well with you. We haven't talked in forever. Sorry about whatever you are going through right now. Just remain strong in your faith and as you said, God has a plan, we just have to be patient and wait for it to be revealed. Luvs ya!