Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My blog is going private

When I started this blog, I left it public, because it was more for work..then it was for my life's adventures!  Since I have really been able to..or really been crafty for a long while, I am going to shift it to a private blog.  I know it's lame..but trust me..if you read me now..you will love to read me then!  send me your email address.....
Comment me..I have set that to be approved so that no one can see your email address!  Hope to see you on the other side....if you need me..catch up with me on facebook!


Anonymous said...

add me to your blog list. Karrie

Mary said...

Add me please! maross76@gmail.com

KTluv said...

Add me girlie. You know I love to read you. Miss you lots!


Vaiva said...

I'd like to keep reading it. My email is vaivaturner@gmail.com


Sheila said...

Hey Ronee, please add me as I love to read your blog... vrabel.sheila@gmail.com =)

Von said...

Hi, It's Von from Charleston (Megan's Mom from Soccer). We love catching up with all of you on here but don't blame you one bit for going private. Sometime you gotta do whatcha gotta do. ;o)

Felicia Fernandez said...

me, me, me!!!!!
