Monday, August 18, 2008

First day of schoool...first day of school

My children have been running around the house saying that! It is a line from the Disney Flim "Finding Nemo". I think my house makes a Nemo reference once a day. it was first day of school for the two little ones! Here they start school at 7:50...a HUGE adjustment from 9 am last year. Trust me, I too was draggin myself out of bed this morning. But it is back to the grind! So my #2 is starting first grade today! She was SO ready just to say goodbye! A quick picture and kiss, and she was off! Waving at me as I walked away. This is her here with her teacher, Ms. Johnson! Don't you love it. #2 is always our fashion DIVA!

Number #3 started Kindergarten today. She wasn't sure if she was going to like it. New teacher...maybe I was just concerned...but she kissed me bye and went off to her desk!
Her teacher is Ms. Davis Funny enough they are the frogs too. Last year #2 was a "Little Leaper" and Nanea wanted to be SO badly..but when we had to move and she had to leave that school, she was a little here is her..with her name..on a lily pad
Hope your first day was awesome!


Keri Lee Sereika said...

AWww what fun! We started EJ today is kinda sad..but oh so exciting at the same time!

Latisha said...

the girls look really cute