Monday, September 1, 2008

He's leaving on a jet plane

So Ry is off safe and sound back to his temporary home in CT. It is funny when I tell people, that aren't military, that we are live here, but my husband lives in CT. The face I get is priceless. They they want to ask..but they are nervous to ask. I love it! It is hard for me to remember that there are people out there that never have experienced the military life. I mean for me..i grew up in it..and then lived in a state full of it..and then i married into it. For me, it is a way of life..but people around me..not so much. Also too, we live in a place not really close to base so I often forget that there might actually be people out there that aren't sure what the heck is going on.... we are having a little bit of ryan withdraw. Things that I had in mind to be achieved weren't totally accomplished..but we packed a lot of things into this weekend. And it sorta just came down to all of us hanging out..instead of really getting the house together. We did have one "meltdown" but weathered that storm and arrived to a semi solution.

So today we are suppose to be going to the St. Mary's Aquatic Center. I have heard great things..and then I have heard not so great things..but at least it is something for my herd to do! But we are sorta thinking of some other fun. We just don't know. Maybe we will find fun out there!

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